Florida Raised Beef

3 Fun Ground Beef Recipes You Can Make With Kids

3 Fun Ground Beef Recipes You Can Make With Kids

For more than 100 years our family has developed relationships with beef producers in the State of Florida, and part of sourcing quality meats for our commercial clients meant spending a lot of time visiting ranches. You see, because we are multi-generational experts in quality meat, where our meats are sourced and how it is produced matters greatly to us. We only source the quality of meat that we feel good about feeding our own family.

4 Great Holiday Recipes Start with Grass-Fed Florida Ground Beef

4 Great Holiday Recipes Start with Grass-Fed Florida Ground Beef

As we count down to Christmas, naturally the traditional holiday turkey will steal the show. But after the turkey is gone and you are filled up on leftover hot turkey sandwiches, you may be looking for some fun comfort food meal ideas.

If you have a package or two of Florida Raised grass-fed ground beef, you have a whole lot of possibilities in your refrigerator! We found these four great recipes that are a little different for a fun twist on holiday food as you are celebrating in the month of December.