Hormone Free Meat

3 Fun Ground Beef Recipes You Can Make With Kids

3 Fun Ground Beef Recipes You Can Make With Kids

For more than 100 years our family has developed relationships with beef producers in the State of Florida, and part of sourcing quality meats for our commercial clients meant spending a lot of time visiting ranches. You see, because we are multi-generational experts in quality meat, where our meats are sourced and how it is produced matters greatly to us. We only source the quality of meat that we feel good about feeding our own family.

Grass-Fed Stuffed Burger Recipes to Try on National Cheeseburger Day 2019

Grass-Fed Stuffed Burger Recipes to Try on National Cheeseburger Day 2019

One of the most satisfying things you can make at home, is a delicious scratch or homemade hamburger.  National Cheeseburger day is on September 18th, and this year, we’ve found some delicious recipes you can make with your family to celebrate America’s favorite food!

When you compare the flavor of our Florida Raised grass-fed beef to economy ground-beef there is absolutely no comparison.  When you are building your gourmet burger at home, and you want to enjoy all the rich flavors, start with healthy (hormone and antibiotic free) beef from Florida Raised.   

6 Delicious Ground Beef Party Appetizers for Any Occasion

6 Delicious Ground Beef Party Appetizers for Any Occasion

When you are having family or friends over for a grill out or gathering, and you want to eat healthy, you can innovate protein rich appetizers that are delicious, nutritious and satisfying.  Sometimes all it takes is a new twist on an old favorite, by adding some fresh Florida Raised grass-fed (antibiotic and hormone free) ground beef to your recipe, to create a new family favorite everyone can feel good about.